Not a hitch. Amazing.
Here were my steps:
- Download and extract the latest binary with bindings that matches your Apache version: ( for me.
- Stop the Apache Windows Service.
- Stop the Subversion Windows Service (svnserve).
- Copy the contents of each sub folder from the extracted zip file ( over the location of the corresponding sub folder of your SVN installation location.
- ** See UPDATE below for a step I originally missed
- Restart the svnserve Windows Service.
- Restart the Apache Windows Service.
- Test.
- If you use TSVN, upgrade it too.
[UPDATED: 2007-09-28]
Be sure to copy the following from your Subversion bin folder (C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin) to the Apache modules folder (C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\modules):
If you don't, and you view your respositories via a browser using Apache, you'll see the wrong version in the footer.
I couldn't remember what the Apache Windows Service was named. Here is some handy command line goodness:
C:\>sc query type= service | grep -i apache